Without these cookies our website functionalities requested by you do not work. Sure enough, I was sending an appropriately formatted OSC message. Our website use strictly necessary cookies to provide functionalities as requested by you. When I did not see any changes to the channel values within MM, I used the OSC Data Monitor to make sure that I was indeed sending out an OSC message with TD.
Madmapper modul8 software#
It’s a matter of matching network ports, setting up the correct network / local addresses, using the appropriate protocol, and making sure the OSC message that is being sent is in the correct format that the receiving software could recognize.

When trying to establish the link between TouchDesigner and madMapper, I knew that OSC would be very straightforward. I assumed that this product on the GarageCube site is what I must have, and its description says "This "NO DRIVER!" DMX controller is plug & play and ready to work with madMapper and Modul8 (only)" For this reason, I decided to use TouchDesigner simply to send out OSC data to madMapper for channel value changes. Group of international adult Stage managers and Audio Visual technician students had an opportunity to practise projection mapping using Modul8 and MadMapper. The artists behind Sonpendular are Andrea Gana. These compositions refer to cyclic patterns and pendular movement, generating intense immersive atmospheric states.

When CHiKA gifted me the ShowJockey, we were using it only with madMapper, so I knew that the device was functional in that environment. The visuals display geometric and generative patterns designed in real time using Madmapper, Modul8 and TouchDesigner, seeking to enhance the architectural elements of the building.